Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What to Avoid Doing in the Event of Back Pain

After a long day at the office, some people experience back pain. Back pain has also been common among students because of their heavy backpacks and bad posture while writing or using their computers. When people experience back pain, they have best avoid normal physical activities for the first few days, and heavy lifting and twisting for the first six weeks, before they can slowly go back to exercising. Having a physical therapist would be advisable for those who are recovering from severe back pain.

image source: rcemlearning.co.uk
There are some treatments for long-term back pain that are not recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) because of lack of evidence of their effectiveness. The list of such treatments includes: low level laser therapy, traction, lumbar supports, etc.

As mentioned, there are activities that should be avoided while still recovering (unless the doctor advises them). These are contact sports, dancing, sit-ups, racquet sports, and jogging. Avoid wearing high heels, standing for long periods, and smoking. When resting, most people with back pain would just lie on their backs. A pillow must be added under the knees to reduce the pressure. Another option is to lie on a fetal position with a pillow between the legs. Make sure to consult a doctor for all kinds of back pains, especially severe ones, to prevent them from getting worse.

image source: lyceum.com
Dr. Melanie Novak specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of pain. Subscribe to this blog for more information on chronic pain treatment.

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