Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Understanding Pain Among Elderly Patients

Most people accept the fact that with aging comes aches, pains, and other health woes. What is unfortunate however is the reality that many senior folks “are often either untreated or undertreated for pain” as Thomas A. Cavalieri, D.O., pointed out in this article. Dr. Cavalieri noted that there is a host of barriers to effective pain management among the elderly, including proper assessment of pain by physicians.

It is common for many older folks just to dismiss any discomfort as a normal part of aging. It is, after all, what they have learned through the years and most probably saw in their parents. Such mindset, however, can exacerbate their pain, leading to more health woes in the long run.

Image source: dnaindia.com

What many healthcare providers champion these days is a better understanding of the onset of pain among the elderly. For instance, the prevalence of persistent pain among geriatric patients increases with age. Chronic geriatric pain is defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.” And about 50 percent of older adults at home and up to 80 percent of geriatric patients in healthcare facilities are suffering from chronic pain, severely impacting their quality of life.

Image source: medicalimagingtalk.com

With a better understanding of the occurrence of pain among older adults plus a thorough assessment of all syndromes and the patient’s medical history, healthcare providers can craft a more effective pain management and treatment plan for the elderly.

Dr. Melanie Novak, M.D., uses a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of chronic pain. Visit this website for more on Dr. Novak’s practice.

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