Saturday, August 10, 2013

The power of touch: Massage as a pain reliever

There’s more than just a touch of truth in the pain relieving effects of massages. According to health experts, massages that are performed properly can alleviate aches and help the body cope with pain.

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For several millennia, massage therapy has been used to relieve pain. Thought to have originated from the natural human tendency to rub aching parts of the body, different forms of massage therapy have been used by people from ancient China, Japan, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and a number of Arabic nations. Despite advances in medical technologies in modern times, massages remain popular therapies for pain, especially among athletes who experience muscle aches at an almost regular basis.

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The power of massage works in different ways. For one, it increases and enhances the flow of blood to affected muscles and joints, helping warm them and facilitating faster administration of the body’s natural pain killers. It also triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes the feeling of contentment and muscle relaxation, among other things.

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Massage also raises the levels of endorphins and serotonin—powerful pain relievers and mood regulators naturally produced by humans. Additionally, it reduces the amount of stress hormones present in the body. As such, people going through massage therapy experience reductions in pain and anxiety.

Massage is considered ideal for people suffering from back pain, tension, headaches, fibromyalgia, neck pain, and post-surgery discomfort. However, for safety purposes, prior consultations with doctors are best to determine which type of massage applies to one’s condition and how it must be administered.

Dr. Melanie Novak, MD, specializes in pain management. Follow this Twitter page for information about body pains and how they could be relieved naturally.

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